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    A Picture Perfect Listing

    RT Photography

    Image copyright of RT Photography

    Effler/Schmitt Utilizes Professional Architect Photography for All Our Listings
    One of the many perks of listing with Effler/Schmitt Company is the amount of care we take to market your home and accentuate its features and layout. The most efficient and effective way to do so is by ensuring listing photos are of the highest quality and capture each room and the exterior of your home in the most flattering light. For this task, we trust Ryan Tester, owner of Ryan Tester Photography (RT Photography). Ryan is a certified member of the Association of Independent Architectural Photographers and the Real Estate Photographers of America and International. As Ryan describes, his method “focuses on bringing the architectural function and aesthetic details of residential properties to the view…and strives to capture a scene the viewer develops a connection to.”

    Basic Tips to Get Your Home Ready Picture Perfect Ready
    While Ryan is exceptionally talented, you can view his entire portfolio here, he must work with your home as is. This leaves the homeowner in charge of getting your home picture perfect ready. As mentioned in our last blog on Spring Cleaning to Sell, you’re moving soon anyways, so pack up that clutter now! In addition to your home being clutter-free AND sparkling clean you should:

    • Open all your drapes, curtains, shades, and blinds; the more natural light in the room, the better the photo will be.
    • Consider unplugging and hiding cords for anything such as lamps or TVs that could be an eye sore in your photos.
    • Swap personal photos out for art prints, stock photos, or a cardstock pattern that compliments your décor.

    How Your Homes Photographs are Used
    Depending on the square footage of your home and whether aerial shots are needed, Ryan will spend 1-2 hours photographing your home. Effler/Schmitt then receives the still images that we use to create your listing within the Multiple Listing Service and syndication websites (,,,,,, and We also use those images to create all our marketing materials for your home. So, it’s important those photos look as amazing as possible!

    For more great tips on staging your home for picture perfect photos, check out this advice from the National Association of Realtors by clicking here.

    To stay up to date with the ESC Real Estate Blog simply check out our website, like us on Facebookor follow us on Instagram.

    To connect with Ryan Tester of RT Photography visit his websiteFacebook Page, or follow him on Instagram.

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